www.poetryman presenting the poetry of Mark Palermo
Dogs, Ponies and Pigs

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a poem by Mark Palermo

Part 1

The beautiful people were coming
a hapless procession
of dogs, ponies and pigs-
the pestilence
and vermin- 
your dearest friends.
But they had other plans.
You thought you were invited to the ball?
How unfortunate! 
And they left you alone.. 
an evening with yourself? 
a nightmare is lurking... 
behind smirking countenance
concealing beastial frenzy 
There are closed hearts 
There are small minds.


Part 2

The beautiful people were coming...
What a pity!
They are at the ball
while you... home alone 
with four walls
a crackpipe
and an empty bottle. 
Damage has occurred 
and you are descending
into the brutish frenzy-
It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Part 3

The beautiful people were coming
but they had other plans.
Cheer up. 
The world suffers.
The world is being born,
and the world dies a little every day.

The world is a thousand times
more wicked
than you